Zlatko Miletić, bivši direktor Federalne uprave policije, sadašnji parlamentarac, delegat u Domu naroda državnog parlamenta, na svom Facebook profilu komentarisao je dešavanja na Bliskom istoku. Njegov status prenosimo u cijelosti:
Cijenjeni predstavnici birokratskog aparata UN, UNHCR, EU/EK, podsjećam VAS, da su većina zemalja iz čitavog Svijeta ( 196 zemalja ), potpisnici, KONVENCIJE O PRAVIMA DJETETA od 20.11.1989.g.
S tim u vezi, da Vas podsjetim, da u ukupno 54. člana Konvencije, na 18 stranica teksta, uključujući preambulu, niste uspjeli, (iako ste godinama svi zajedno izdašno plaćeni) da osigurate slijedeće…
… “Ubijeđeni da bi porodici, kao osnovnoj grupi društva i prirodnom okruženju za rast i dobrobit svojih članova, a naročito djece, trebalo pružiti potrebnu zaštitu i pomoć, tako da bi mogla
potpuno preuzeti svoje obaveze u okviru ljudske zajednice…
Priznajući da bi dijete, zbog potpunog i skladnog razvoja svoje ličnosti trebalo da odrasta u porodičnom
okruženju, u atmosferi sreće, ljubavi i razumjevanja.
…Smatrajući da dijete treba da bude potpuno spremno da živi pojedinačnim životom u društvu i odgojeno u duhu ideala proklamiranih u Povelji Ujedinjenih nacija a naročito u duhu mira, dostojanstva, tolerancije, slobode, jednakosti i solidarnosti… “
Vi ovoj djeci niste osigurali ŽIVOT…
Za 15 dana u Palestini život je izgubilo 1873 djece, u Ukrajini za 20 mjeseci 554.
Nemojte imati sumnju da ćemo Vas pored agresora koji su uzrokovali smrt ovoliko broja djece, smatrati KRIVIM I SUODGOVORNIM zato što svoj posao ne radite dovoljno savjesno… Jer je ovo je CIVILIZACIJSKA SRAMOTA I KATASTROFA.
Esteemed representatives of the bureaucratic apparatus of the UN, UNHCR, and EU/EC..
I wish to remind you that since its adoption by the United Nations in November 1989, 196 countries have become signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). There remains only one country yet to ratify this crucial document.
In this regard, let me remind you that, out of a total of 54 articles in the Convention, spanning 18 pages of text, including the preamble, you have failed to ensure the following…
… “Convinced that the family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary
protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community…
Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding, …
Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity,…”
You have not ensured the LIFE of these children…
In just 15 days in Palestine, 1873 children tragically lost their lives, while in Ukraine, over a span of 20 months, 554 children met a similar fate. There should be no doubt that we will hold you accountable, in addition to the aggressors responsible for these children’s deaths, as it appears you are not fulfilling your duties with due conscientiousness.
This is an absolute disgrace and a humanitarian catastrophe of a civilizational magnitude.